How To Gain Followers With Instagram Stories

Maintaining a presence on Instagram can be difficult.

Somedays I don’t post because I’m busy or that specific day doesn’t get good engagement or simply because I don’t have content to share.However, every day you are inactive on Instagram takes a toll on your account for two reasons:

          1. Your current followers may start to forget about you or lose interest.

          2. Because you are not being active on Instagram, potential followers will not discover your account.


How do you stay relevant and connected?

The answer: Instagram Stories.


The best thing about IG Stories is that they show up at the very top of both your news feed and the explorer page! This is the easiest way to stay connected to your followers and bring in new ones.

As to the order in which Instagram shows Stories in the explore tab, they seem to favor accounts that use Stories often and well, so be sure you’re giving Instagram the opportunity to promote yours.



So the question is, how do you gain followers with Instagram Stories?  

  • Watch other accounts Instagram stories. As I mentioned above, Instagram tends to share accounts on the explorer page that use stories often. Use, meaning posting stories on your own account as well as watching other account’s stories! So don’t just post Instagram stories, watch them too!
  • Post stories every couple of hours. Instagram Stories show up at the top of both your news feed and the explorer page! This means that new users will be able to discover your account just from you posting stories. The more you post stories, the more they will appear on the explorer page, and the more followers you will get.
  • Use the location tag. Whenever you tag a location (under stickers) in your Instagram Story, it will show up in that specific location’s stories. For example, when I visited the Grand Canyon, I tagged the place Grand Canyon National Park in my stories. As a result, over 200 random people saw them on the Grand Canyon National Park’s location stories. Those are 200 additional people that have now discovered @thelovelyescapist and may decide to follow.
  • Use hashtags. Similar to the location tag, when you use a hashtag in your Instagram Story, it has the opportunity to show up on that specific hashtag’s story. You can use up to 10 hashtags per story and I would recommend using them all. The more hashtags you use, the more chance you’ll have of someone new seeing it. You might be thinking, “But won’t all those hashtags distract from the story itself?”. Here’s a little trick to hide those story hashtags: Once you write out the hashtag, you can control how large or small the font is with the tool on the left side of the screen. However, if you want to make it smaller, just hold two fingers around the hashtag and move the fingers closer together on the screen. You can make the hashtag microscopic so no one will see it. Then use the different text colors to try to match it with the background of the story. You do this by tapping the paint icon and then dragging it across the background till you find a color that will make the hashtag inconspicuous.

Looking for more Instagram Tips, check out my postHow To Beat The 2023 Instagram Algorithm‘.